
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend Adventures

This weekend we had a day where it was just dear hubby and I. The kids visited with my mom and their new cow - which they lovingly named "buttkiss". I'm sure I don't have to tell you what the cow did to get that name. My guess is Damien the 10 year old had more say in the name.
Rob and I snuck off to a flea market, the Book Barn, and a lovely blog friends greenhouse, all by ourselves. At the flea market we walked in the sun looking at everyone's goods. There are the usual things I look for like handmade blue pottery mugs and old chippy furniture but this time I added something to the list. Vintage film cameras. When we rounded a corner, hubby scouted some out and we left with a neat Kodak camera made in Germany from the 1960's. I can't wait to see what kind of pictures it takes.
At the Book Barn we looked for books together, something we never get to do. I had a list in hand this time and found four books from it, Rob was able to find 5 books for himself. Then we headed down the road to a blog friends nursery
Carole's greenhouses were filled with color. We decided to focus on the side yard herb garden first and picked out a great variety to start with. We couldn't help but sniff the air while we were there. It was so fresh. Plus there was also the added pleasure of meeting a person I've only known through our blogs. Such a great way to end the day.
These were our adventures this weekend. What were yours? 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Lazy Kit Kat
In the brush
Its looking like spring on our street. #norwich #neighborhood #CT
We are not news people. In fact I'm not sure when the last time I watched the nightly news was. The stories always disappoint me and remind me how cruel we can be to each other. Senseless crimes, devastation, and fighting. All the things I strive not to surround myself or my family with. But this week there was no escaping it all. Boston is close to home. While I couldn't bring myself to read the stories or know every detail, my thoughts were still with the people effected. 
This week we've kept busy, trying to make our own little corner better. Stripping wallpaper in the kids rooms, organizing our closet, playing outside in the yard, collecting violets, and letting the sun warm us. Every night I sit down and draw little. Practicing. Taking refuge in our tiny bubble. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Art For Art

Damien Portrait
Aries Portrait
Odyn Portrait

There is nothing I like better than to make something for someone. One day, not too long ago, I discovered that my phone does indeed get instagram. I started following friends feeds and blogs that I follow. There was a comment that struck me as perfect and lovely. This comment led me to @tooyoungtobehippies and her art. Falling head over heels in love with her portraits I contacted her right away asking if she does custom portraits. Maybe we could swap art for art. That's what we did. I made an embroidered pillowcase, lavender filled sachet, and a watercolor for her for part of some custom portraits of the kids.
Soon they will hang in the upstairs hallway, that got stripped of wallpaper this weekend. It's just waiting for some primer and paint.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Lone Daffodil

My new favorite spot in our house! #decor #diningroom #house #home
Poor odyn got 4 shots today at the Dr's ...yes he con me into not eating paleo tonight #thumbsucker #fuzzy
Across the street there is a lone daffodil. Just one - all by it's itself. Surrounded by trees, rocks, and leaves. I'm not quite sure who planted it or if some how some way it made it's way over there. But every time I open the door and it's brings a little cheer to the day.

It's finally starting to feel like spring. We are making plans for all the gardens and outdoor landscaping we want to do. Getting ready to move our table outside to the porch again - meals outside everyday. Reading my pile of books from the book barn, learning about the healing power of herbs and how to use them daily. I cut some daffodils the previous owner planted in the secret garden and spread them around the house. Our vintage pink quilt is starting to stay folded on the back of the couch and windows were opened today. 
Ahh spring! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Routines

We tried to clean up the yard on Monday after finding a hidden garden. Matted soggy wet leaves, pricker bushes, and a weird out of nowhere lighting storm made it difficult. It's still been a bit too chilly here to really get our hands dirty outside. But we uncovered another secret heart shaped garden bed, where the plants have long been gone and soon the heart shape will be too. 
We visited a cute little pink herbal store in town. It's one of those stores you drive past a million times hoping someday to stop at. Picking up some lovely white sage, lavender, and a blackberry sage air freshner for the car. Aries instantly fell in love with the mystical quality the store had. She picked out some earrings she needed to have - except she didn't have her ears pierced. Something she has been debating on for a couple of weeks. Finally that store and those magical earrings sealed the deal - she got her ears pierced.
Slowly this week I have been weaning myself into new routines. We are getting back into eating healthier than we have been. (Anyone eating Paleo or juicing - have any recipes?) At night I've been making myself go to bed earlier, so that when morning rolls around I can actually get up with the alarm. I'm tidying up corners of the home and getting into that spring cleaning mode.