
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow Lazy

New Year Mantle
Moon Goddess Ornaments
Tree Focused
Tree Unfocused
Hummingbird Plant
All White Cross Stitch
Topaz Peeking
Yule Mantle
Starfish Plant
Paper Star
Holiday Deer
Rock Plant
New Year New Plants
2014 Gifts
Snow fall after snow fall. We are slowing digging ourselves out. I feel like all the New England towns are really just creating snow tunnels more than plowing. There has been lots and lots days home from school, which has made our hot chocolate supply run low. And to think just this last holiday season, I was wondering if we would have any snow this year.
Right now is the busiest time of year for us. Most people it's before the holidays but with us it's after. There are three birthdays in a row, tax season, school projects, and endless work tasks. I've been trying to plan or take pictures or do anything on my days off - but it's really hard not to just be lazy. There really has not been much going on around here besides watching all the episodes of Gilmore Girls.
There is still pottery, and I've finished my cross stitch project. We are planning on finishing Aries room soon, Then there are spring plans of a garage makeover and a moon garden. Right now, with Blizzards and the sound of plows outside, you are going to find me in pajama pants, under a heating blanket, on the couch.
 So I'm crossing my fingers the birds start chirping outside again, that the whistling of the radiators settle, and I can feel my toes again.
Spring - I miss you.
* All the pictures from this post were taken before or right after the holidays