
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All I Can Think About....

So I have a million things that I need to finish. This is not an exaggeration but more of an observation. I still have boxes to unpack. I still have a vintage light that needs to be hung in Aries room.

I have a craft studio that is crying for paint (still undecided of the color and still lacking a bit of motivation to paint again).

I have dishtowels that I want to make and have been making and continue to make.

I have a good vibration quilt that is slowly making process but still needs a hand cramp more squares.

Did you know that Halloween is this weekend ...this one coming up? Well add one chicken coming out an egg costume to the things I need to finish! 
So how is it that all I can think about is Lucy's (Attic24crochet bag and running out, getting gobs of yummy happy colored yarn, and making one of my own? ...Cause I am sick!

At least I got one thing done :) my post for White Wednesday !!!! 


  1. Very pretty vintage light fixture. Love the white beads on it. A departure from the usual crystals.

  2. Adorable little chandy! Happy WW.


  3. Love that light fixture! So unique. Sounds like Halloween costume is the priority. Get one thing completely done and that usually is very motivating! Good luck

  4. Hope you feel better. Love the chandi! You are a busy lady.

    Partying with you tonight. Stop by if you have a chance.

  5. That vintage light fitting is so sweet!! reminds me of a roundabout... can just see the little horsies now!! haha

    Have a lovely day and hope you feel better soon!! ciao xxx Julie

  6. wow -that sounds like alot to do!
    love the colors in the granny squares- good luck with all you projects...


  7. Darling little chandelier - LOVE the rosary bead chain used on it. The granny squares remind me of my own grandma's wonderful crocheted afghans - what a cheerful blog!

  8. I think you should just say ta-ta to it all and do some crochet! ;) Those are some pretty pretty granny squares!

  9. Can't wait to see the Halloween costume with the egg-please show-at least it's great to have so many wonderful projects to work on and the talent to do them!

  10. You ARE one busy girl. But I m happy I got the WW post in too. That light fixture is soooo pretty ~ I hope you get it up and ready to use soon.

  11. Wow, and you do it all so well! Can't wait to see the Halloween costumes on the cutest kids in the UNIVERSE.

  12. Ok, I am in love with your vintage light fixture! It's gorgeous! I have lots of projects on my to do list, too! Seems like there's always something on that list!!

  13. Don't we all have a list a mile long...ugh... haha! Love the vintage chandelier! :)

  14. Love the yummy crochet squares! :)
    I know the temptation of going out to buy more yarn for another project!!
    Vivienne x

  15. Happy WW! Love all your projects going on!
    Hugs- Tete

  16. You are one busy person! Your projects look wonderful, and I love that light fixture!

  17. love the light...and love that crochet bag! do you sell them on etsy?

  18. Girl, you've got a LOT on your plate!

    Cute light fixture!

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
