
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Craft Studio :)

*First thing I need to say is thank you, thank you, thank you!!! All the wonderful comments about my barn shop really made my day. So thank you for making me smile and for wanting to share in my adventure.*

A couple of days ago I had you all play a guessing game. I promised that I would not keep you waiting long and I hope I didn't. The picture that you saw was part of my craft studio!

Rob and I worked on it this past weekend. I painted the room, including the chalk board paint, and organized all my craft supplies. Rob hung the giant shelf, put together my desk, and put the molding around the chalk board. I have to say I am glad it is finished.

We were going to put down new flooring but decided to wait for now. Good decision cause I don't think I could take little fingers getting into my supplies anymore. The kids are only allowed in the studio when I am in there, which works out just fine since most of the time they just want to color on the chalk board. 

Walking into the studio is a happy feeling. I try to surround my space with things that inspire me, colours that I love, and things that melt my heart  (my first ever mom's day drawing from Damien or my signed copy of Alicia Paulson's book).

Taking pictures in the studio is a little hard only because there is a very small window that gets little natural light. I know that I will be adding lamps and work lights since most of my work will be done once little ones are asleep. 

I feel very lucky and thankful to have this space. The space I had before was a closet - literally. My dear sewing machine can finally stay in one spot and not have to be dragged back and forth to the dining room table. 

I'm sure tons of wonderful things will be coming out of this studio - I already have 5 dish towels I need to add to my shop :) Hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. SO cute! I love your glass-fronted cupboard of lovely looking fabrics!

    I am completely jealous, I wish I had anything close to my own space to do my work! I living room. I don't recommend it! :)

  2. It looks great Amanda, you're very lucky!! :)
    Looking forward to seeing all the lovely things you're going to produce from such an inspiring space!!
    Vivienne x

  3. It looks sooooo good!!!
    I am so excited for you!!! :-)

  4. I am so proud of you. You are amazing.

  5. Congratulations on the studio - looks really cool!
