
Monday, November 15, 2010

Football Vs. Decorating

This weekend while the hubby tried to watch his football game without screaming, turning red, or stomping his feet I was busy trying to clean up, decorate, and paint somethings.

I bobbed and weaved whenever I went in front of the TV. He sat at the edge of the couch gritting his teeth and sometimes saying "Oh come on!!"

While this was going on I was trying to hang a cup rack that I just painted and my iron rooster hook that got a fresh coat of white paint.

I heard "I will get that once the game is over". I tried but decided to wait for him.

It wasn't a long wait. The man, who just before the game started, said "I'm glad I don't get upset like I use to at football games." decided that his team didn't get the privilege of him watching them. He needed to help me decorate so he could calm down.

So decorating won this time but I am sure that this was a once in a lifetime thing. Oh and by the way team, he didn't give up on you, he kept checking the score throughout the night :)


  1. Good for the hubs, coming through for you like that! It looks great.

    By the way, which team was he pulling for?

  2. Love your pictures and the way your husband is there for you too!

  3. Isn't it great to know that you are higher in the hierarchy than the Giants, lol? But the house is looking great! Can't wait to see it, so if you guys get some down time, let me know and we'll pop down.

  4. I have a large iron hook/hanger that yours reminds me of. Mine has flowers instead of a rooster and it hangs in the downstairs bath to hold towels, clothes on hangers, etc. It also got a coat of white pain. Looks so great now! Love the piggy in the bottom photo. So cute! ~~Rhonda :)

  5. I don't know what I love more, the mugs or the rack....SO CUTE!!
