
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Rooms Where Children Sleep

This weekend we decided to get the boys (Odyn and Damien) room decorated and organized. The holidays are coming up and this means more toys, clothes, and things for the children in general. If we didn't get their rooms ready all the rooms in the house would suffer from holiday over load.
 It's funny how you start one room you need to start another, and another reminds me of dominoes. Aries room also got a make over and reorganization. We still have to pick up a few things for the rooms.
In the boys room, Damien's needs a bed skirt. I wasn't too happy to see that blue box spring sticking out and while kinda thinking out loud Damien got really nervous that I was going to buy him a skirt. This made me laugh and I explained what a bed skirt was, he was ok with that.
In Aries room she needs a long shelf that I can put up high. She has beautiful antique angels that I need to make sure she can only look at and not touch. The test was the fake ceramic angel that I got for her, the one she kept under her pillow every night, the one that is now decapitated and has one wing, and the one sitting in a box waiting to be glued back together.
Yes I know I'm a little off my rocker giving the kids Christmas trees in their rooms. This is not a normal thing that parents do but I will let you in on something. Those trees now serve two purposes 1.) they have reduced the shaking of the tree that has ornaments on it and is significantly larger 2.) they are a nice holiday cheer night light. Aries no longer wants to use this really bright lit lamp in her room that keeps Odyn up, instead she is very satisfied with her tree. She even insisted I take a picture of it at night to show everyone.
The boys, who have a great view of a log cabin across the street, have a camping themed room. There are several lantern lamps, bear pictures, vintage Boys Scouts of America memorabilia, and woodsy colors in their room. While out at flea markets and tag sales this summer I looked for anything that spoke camping to me.

In the hunt we found two old comics. One was Smokey The Bear which I hung in a frame between the two windows, and the other was a Ben the Bear Adventures which I took some comics out of and made part of a shelf. 
Aries room also has some flea market finds. I found a cute little shelf that had a mirror back and painted it white. It now holds her little treasures like a plastic cow, metal mermaid, small blue bird, a Cinderella squirrel, and a picture of Rob, baby Damien, and I at Easter time. Treasures to an almost 4 year old.
She also has metal mermaid bookends that I lugged around with me the entire Brimfield Flea Market. When I found them I almost passed them up because of their weight. I would be kicking myself now if I did because they really make her bookshelf.
I think both rooms really fit my kids. Damien loves the space in his room and the fact that when his friends come over (most of them are in Boy Scouts) that they will really love his room. He also made a great point that at least 4 sleeping bags could fit on his floor. Hint hint mom.
Last night there wasn't any noise from their rooms. All that could be heard was a chorus of little snores. 
I did post more pictures of their rooms on my Flickr account if you would like see more :)


  1. I laughed out loud at the Damien in a skirt comment. Christmas tree night lights will be such a great memory for them. :)

  2. The kid's rooms look great Amanda! I love the Christmas trees in their rooms, it's a lovely touch.
    Poor Damien thinking he was going to have to wear a skirt!
    Vivienne x

  3. I love the owl pillow so cheerily perched on Aries' bed! How cute!

  4. The Christmas trees in the children's rooms is such a wonderful idea! I want those mermaid bookends!!! ~Val

  5. Hi Amanda,
    Nice to meet you.

    Your house looks beautifully put together.
    I noticed the owl too, my daughter has been making a few recently, to give as presents.

