
Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's That Time Again

Looking back on my posts and thinking I love everyone of them, I thought about what I loved most of all. Blogging is like a fun clique. We all share each others blogs, crafts, and life. Unlike most cliques we are open to new visitors and bloggers. So being that it is almost April (seriously?! Where did the time go?) I thought I would start up my Handmade Blog Tour Again.
If  your unaware of what this exactly means I will explain. The Handmade Blog Tour is something I started last year to help promote the handmade movement - support local people and not big companies. Featuring people all around the world, I showcased their items and what craft they did with a blog post. You can see the previous posts by clicking the handmade blog tour link at the bottom of this post or on the right side bar. So with that in mind - is there anyone out in blog land that makes a wonderful craft or you feel should be featured? Would you like to be part of the tour? Tour will start sometime in April (haven't decided the dates yet) and usually lasts a week or two. Just leave a comment on this post or you can send me an email ( if you would like to participate.


  1. Sounds like fun...I would love to participate.
    Will you be posting the details?

    janet xox

  2. How great! I look forward to the tour, always inspiring to find new and wonderful handmade blogs.

    I've just been catching up with your goings on over here. How nice to have a peek into your sweet home and your handmade lovelies! Oh those garland/buntings!

  3. just found your blog via etsy's feature on your home. lovely! I think I would be interested in being part of the tour. Let me know what I need to do. . .
