
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Honored to be Featured

I have been keeping a secret and one that I could barely contain! The lovely Christine over at Etsy asked me in the beginning of the week if she could feature my home on the Etsy blogs. Of course I said YES!!! Today the article came out and I can finally share the news (thank goodness). You can visit the feature here.

Also Katy from Winsome Hollow featured one of my vintage finds in her Saturday shopping post ~ you can see that here. But enough about me - I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!


  1. I just found your blog via ETSY!!!!
    I enjoyed reading the article about you and love your style of decorating! How cool that you found very similar items for sale that are like ones in your home. This was a lot of fun! I am a follower of your blog now!!


  2. Congratulations Amanda!
    Having a lovely Sunday thanks, it's Mother's Day in the UK!!
    Vivienne x

  3. Congrats, I know more than most how much you deserve this. Enjoy!

  4. congrats, amanda! your home is gorgeous, and truly deserving of the feature!

  5. Conrats! What an exciting honor!
    If you have a moment, stop by my blog, I am having a little giveaway:)
