
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trying ..For Real

Thankfully all of us here on the home front seem to be on the mend. No more fevers and no more sour tummies. It's always when we run out of medicine and I buy more that magically everything gets better. Thank you all for the well wishes.
So now that everything is almost back to normal I'm trying, for real, to put more effort into things. My little shop has been getting new things added everyday. Plus after an almost embarrassing incident with my neighbor, involving my very loose fitting pants and me carrying in groceries, I decided to put a little effort into myself. After losing weight and 2 sizes a much needed clothes shopping trip was scheduled. I've also been trying to get some crafty business done around here so I have more to show you all and finally this little blog is going to get a makeover.
So if you happen to see some weird changes it just me putting effort in.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello Fall

Today is officially the first day of fall. I've already got most of our fall items out from storage and scattered a bit of it around the house. Unfortunately a stomach bug has also made it's way around the house too. First Aries, then Odyn, Damien go it yesterday, and now ... me.
Drinking some peppermint tea has helped. This weekend is suppose to be gloomy and rainy, perfect weather to catch up on rest. Pj pants, warm fuzzy striped socks, and a movie or two is in order for this weekend. Crossing my fingers that the bug leaves the house just as quickly as it came in.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kitchen Window

Looking out my kitchen window leaves are starting to turn golden yellow and crisp orange. With only 3 days left to summer I picked what was left of the zinnias in my very neglected flower garden. The sedum has turned a rustic pink color which is a sure sign autumn is right around the corner.
Fall sweaters and blankets are starting to come out of their hiding spaces. Tea cups and coffee mugs are getting more use. Soon the air will smell like apple cider, fresh hay, and musty earth.
Pumpkin picking will be on the list of things to do, along with deciding who will be what for Halloween. We are thinking maybe a trip to Salem, Massachusetts is in order this year. But right now, for 3 more days it's summer.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Focus on Happy

After a very long and not so great week, including one call from the principal and a note from the music teacher I decided I needed some happy. Looking at Micaela's Friday posts always make me happy. So being the positive Polly that I am why not focus on the happy things this week.
Emma is having a lovely giveaway over at her blog. Digging through my collection of buttons, both old and new, and picking out some of favorites really brought a smile to my face. I have plans for those little wooden squirrel buttons but I may need to practice my knitting a little more. 
Also some happy this week is more great things going into my shop. Including snowflake garlands like the ones I had last year. Crocheting away most nights on the couch has made my snowflake pile grow and grow. Not that I am expecting or wanting snow anytime soon, but creating always makes me happy. 
So what brought a smile to your face this week?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Watercolor, Marker, and a Bit of White Acrylic

These are the results of my watercolor trials. Not quite perfect yet and so I must give it another go.

But like always with a bit of practice I will get there. Still debating on sending this to someone, using it as art journal page, or what to do with it?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Watercolors are on my list of things to practice. Like most things, they are not as easy as they look.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dainty Winter Scarf

My first knitted piece is a scarf for Ms. Aries. When beginning to knit I didn't check to see how much I had of a certain yarn or use any pattern - just picked up what I had and practiced knit and purl stitches. It was only after I had gotten these stitches down and how to rotate between them that I realized I didn't want to waste what I had began to create.
With my yarn ball (Sugar and Cream: Pastel Delight 00158) slowly getting more and more depleted as I moved the needles, it was time for more yarn. Using my trusty friend the internet I typed the yarn name into the computer ... and without fail you can only order it online.
It was not long enough for scarf or pretty enough to make into a neck warmer for myself (I don't really think Aries would go for the whole neck warmer thing). After trying it on Aries a couple of times I decided that it would be a scarf... with a few tweaks. Looking at my pile of doilies and box of beads I got to work.
Now it's long enough to wrap around Aries. Plus the dainty chic quality of it just makes it even more special. Doing a happy scarf dance this morning and posing for pictures (including funny faces) I could tell I was not the only one that was happy I learnt how to knit.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Plans for the Weekend

I'm not the planner in the family - that is my dear hubbies job. Adventurous and spontaneous is me. In fact I remember when hubby and I had first started dating he called me after he got out of work (10pm) to see if we wanted to hang out that night. Unfortunately I was about 2 1/2 hours away at the beach with a girlfriend. Shocked, he asked "why?" To which I replied, "because I felt like going to the beach." This was a new concept for him, as he was not use to my get up and go attitude.
Still to this day I'm the one who says let's go to New York City this weekend. He kindly reels me in. But sometimes I can coerce him, like our winter trip to the ocean just so I could dig my toes in the sand. Far too many weekends are now planned. One thing that comes with parenthood. Sometime soon my inner gypsy will speak up with an exciting plan for the weekend. But this upcoming one is not it. We are laying low. You may find me finishing up a new pattern, working on teaching myself new knitting tricks, or still trying to play catch up after the power outage. Hoping everyone has a lovely cheeky weekend with an impromptu trip thrown in!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School

The oldest tied his new converse shoes this morning in hopes that he will be the next Greg Heffley. This year will be the year of multiplication, sleep overs, and text books. As he wiped evidence from the sandman away from his eyes I couldn't help but think When did I become a mom of a 3rd grader?
It seems like just yesterday I was snapping pictures of him getting on the bus for first time. Watching him with a backpack that looked too big and wonky for his tiny frame. Now the backpack fits perfectly, the pants are much longer, and he no longer wants the public display of affections - he waved a quick goodbye as to not hurt my feelings as he left the house towards the bus stop. With a stride in his step I haven't seen before, I could tell he knows that this will be his year.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

There is Finally Light at the End of my Tunnel

After 6 days of no power, no water, moody children, and a BIG dog afraid of the dark I can finally take a breath. This morning at 9:36am the power was restored. Now comes the clean up - dishes, laundry, fridge (YUCK), and toilets need a good scrubbing.
Without power you find a way to entertain yourself. Luckily for us my mom and her husband Eric have a generator, so most nights were spent up there. Breaking out the old craft books that show you how to do anything, even how to make rugs, it seemed like the perfect time to try my hand at knitting. Now with power, I can actually watch some videos to see if I am doing it correctly.

One thing is for sure - no peanut butter and fluff sandwiches tonight!