
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School

The oldest tied his new converse shoes this morning in hopes that he will be the next Greg Heffley. This year will be the year of multiplication, sleep overs, and text books. As he wiped evidence from the sandman away from his eyes I couldn't help but think When did I become a mom of a 3rd grader?
It seems like just yesterday I was snapping pictures of him getting on the bus for first time. Watching him with a backpack that looked too big and wonky for his tiny frame. Now the backpack fits perfectly, the pants are much longer, and he no longer wants the public display of affections - he waved a quick goodbye as to not hurt my feelings as he left the house towards the bus stop. With a stride in his step I haven't seen before, I could tell he knows that this will be his year.


  1. They grow up so fast, enjoy every second!
    Vivienne x

  2. Crazy how they get older, isn't it? I guess that means we're getting older too.

  3. Oh goodness, it is a wonder how they change and grow becoming their own person. Hugs to you Mama!
