
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Lefton Christmas Angel Story


Now that we are one day after Christmas, I'm going to tell you my Christmas Angel story.

My wife Colleen was born on 12/28, and she received a little Lefton Christmas Angel for her 5th birthday in 1958.  This little red, white and gold ceramic angel was one of her prize possessions and it occupied a place of honor in our China hutch.  About 10 years ago, as Colleen and I were moving the hutch away from the wall because we were repainting, the hutch tipped slightly, its door opened and the little Christmas Angel fell out, shattering into so many pieces on our hardwood floor that it was unrepairable.

Since then I've heard Colleen mention on many occasions, that she used to have a precious little Christmas Angel, but Mike broke it several years ago.  Well, after searching and looking for many years, and looking at hundreds and hundreds of little ceramic angels, I found the replacement at your Itchin Stitchin website!

Imagine my excitement, when I opened your package to discover what was indeed a replica of my Colleen's missing Christmas Angel!

Colleen opened her present yesterday, in the company of her 91 year old Mother, and they both agreed that this was just like the Christmas Angel that she treasured for so many years.

I really, really appreciate that you were able to make my wife Colleen's dream of having her Christmas Angel back come true.

Amanda, you definitely rock!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you,

I will always remember you,

 This is the very reason I love selling vintage. Treasures that hold memories and have a story. I'm so over joyed that this little Lefton Angel brought such Christmas cheer to one of my customers.

The very reason that one of my New Years resolutions is to never give up.
 Just like Mike, one day you will find your angel.


  1. Aww...what a sweet story! I always enjoy knowing where the pieces I sell go to, too!

  2. That is SO awesome! I also love vintage for the memories. My mom tears up when she sees an old, wooden, Fisher Price teaching clock, as it was her favorite toy. Mine was a little plastic, Fisher Price Bluebird with a pull string that sang a tune at my bedtime.

  3. Wow, what a great story! Thank you for sharing it!

  4. Awwww what a lovely story, makes you go all warm inside.
    Happy New Year.
    Carol xx

  5. this made my day, my week before it's even begun-- precious and darling. thank you for sharing! xo
