
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Her Party

That morning she snuck down the stairs with her brothers to look at her cake. Pink hearts and purple star balloons were danced with. She shared with her brothers. Mom's eyeshadow was worn but no lipgloss cause it would make her talk funny. Her sweet tooth is still around, 2 1/2 pieces of cake were eaten. Outside a birthday wish was made with balloons. Many Hello Kitty presents were hugged.
A very successful 5th birthday :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

In A Fog

  Today is very foggy. When you walk outside you feel a slight mist on your cheek, like cloud kisses. My brain has left today.
  It was a very late night last night, Aries had goldfish syndrome (where you don't know when to stop eating) which lead to her getting sick in the middle of the night. Never fun to wake up someone while they are getting sick, or trying to get them in the bath while they are half awake. While I do enjoy my quiet nights to get shop things done, it was clear last night was not going to be one of them. Instead it involved Yo Gabba Gabba, snuggles on the couch, and a little girl who likes to sleep sideways in my bed.
  Rubbing my eyes this morning, I didn't want to get out of bed... it's one of those perfect gray days that's just cold enough to put a slight chill in the air making your covers so warm you don't want to move. Reluctantly I zombied my way throughout the morning. Hair a frizzy messy upon my head, a t-shirt longer than my sweatshirt, jeans that are becoming snug (so unfair), and with husband and kids in tow, we made our way to the post office and grocery store. While my youngest thinks he is famous, saying hi to everyone that passes the grocery cart, I am very thankful we are not today.
  Hoping the fog will lift -  both outside and in my head - because this weekend I have a list to finish. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Little Miss Aries

Her favorite obsession is Hello Kitty
She can't decide between pink or purple
Interested in all things crafty
Looking good is fashion
Wears her ruby slippers everywhere
Loves painting her nails
Her hair is always wild and crazy
She sings and skips off the bus when she gets to school
Still likes to sit with mom
When she doesn't want to do something she says "Uuuu Fine"
Today is her birthday!! All night long while making her Hello Kitty cupcakes for school, I kept saying I can't believe she is 5 already. The girl who loves sweets and is just as sweet as them, grew up in a blink of our eye. Her birthday party is Sunday but today is her day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Moments of Happy ~
Today is my mom's birthday - Happy Birthday Mom!! I know this isn't a proper birthday cake but she forgives me.
Sundays football game, very happy husband and father in-law, the NY Giants are going to the Superbowl.
My moment of happy is coming ... when things that need to get done get crossed of my list. I realized today that I actually made a list for my list, a true sign you are very busy or trying to procrastinate.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowed In

Sometimes it's better to just have fun with it then to fight it. Today there was a snow ball fight, socks worn as gloves, hands warmed by hot chocolate, and lots of snowy wet shoes piled in a corner.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Quilt Blocks

These blocks will soon be a part of a gift to my new niece. Being an only child, the possibility of being an aunt would only happen if I married a man who had siblings. Growing up with lots of aunts and uncles, and cousins to play with I never questioned that my children wouldn't have these same family experiences. It wasn't until I actually had children that I realized this wouldn't really be a part of their childhood like it was mine. 
My cousins and I would spend days in the dirt building finger painted roads in the sand for our matchbox cars. Some of my cousins were in high school when I was younger and would babysit me, take me to concerts, and even introduce me to the fashions like rolling the cuffs or your pants or how to properly tease your hair to new heights. When I was in high school, everything came around full circle and the cousin that had watched me had a son, and I babysat him.
Baby Denise, who is due to arrive the end of March, will be my children's first cousin. She will make me an aunt and my husband an uncle for the very first time. We can't wait to meet her, smell her magical baby smell, and tickle those tiny little feet. I hope our children create cousin memories that will outlast the life of this quilt. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA & PIPA - This is not about sisters!

These are two bills that are before United States Congress right now. Big companies are behind these bills, because it's profitable to them. These bills will impact everyone! 

If ████ ██████ SOPA ██████ ██████ passes ██ ████ ██ ████ ██ ████ the Internet ██ ████ ██████ ██ will look a lot like

You may feel like you're one person with one vote, small and unheard. If these bills pass you will be unheard! These are some links with more information and some petitions. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Stuff

We finally got snow around here ... I'm okay if it wants to go away now.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today I noticed this little daisy. A good reminder that it is okay to be different and stand out from the crowd.

Friday, January 13, 2012


 Maybe it's just a new form of procrastination. The weather has been rainy, foggy, and all out gloomy - not good for picture taking. My toes feel frozen. At night you can hear the wind pick up, rush through the trees, and then go silent again. The studio is too cold to sit in unless I bake something in the kitchen, which I am too lazy to do. Which leaves me to my books, a cup of coffee or tea, and my thoughts.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm A Sucker For You

I've made some fun printable Valentine cards for Print Me Out! They can be used as merchandise tags, lollipop holders, favors, classroom cards, or party decorations. Being a mom of three buying those little cards at the store can be a task - usually they don't have the amount I need in one box for all the kids in the class, so I end up buying two or three boxes per kid. This year it will easy - just print them out - have the kids sign them and we are done.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


  • Finally took down all Christmas items, then found 3 stockings under our living room chair
  • Without the holiday decorations the house feels naked
  • Hubby surprised me with orange daisies and homemade breakfast on Saturday
  • I'm not easily surprised
  • The breakfast was very good, which wasn't suppose to be the surprise but ended up being part of it

  • Bought lollipops for a Valentines day shop photo prop
  • 4 have been eaten 0 photos have been taken
  • Have been doing the 365 Project and keeping on track
  • Working on a baby quilt for sister in-law and little Denise
  • Saved quilt blocks that have been completed, from peanut butter jelly hands today

  • Selfishly used a holiday gift card on myself the other day and got 3 Keri Smith books
  • I don't feel bad about it as much as I thought I would
  • Youngest has grown 2 inches in 3 months
  • His shirts look like 3/4 sleeve shirts and his pants look like capri pants
  • Got him two new pair of 3T pants that he will outgrow overnight
  • Glad I only paid $3.88 a pair
  • Started a fun typography swap - if you want you can join in here

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Heart Garland

Just wanted to show what I'm working on for Valentine's day. There are also some cute printable cards and lollipop tags in the works. This heart garland was added in the shop this morning. Thinking about making a rainbow hearts garland, all white garland, and.....not sure. Those little hearts are just so much fun to make.
Also Aries' birthday is just around the corner. Since she had a big birthday last year we are keeping her party small this year. Can you guess her theme this year?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Taking Down Christmas

Putting up all the decoration for the holiday season is always the fun part but it's so much harder to take them down. Our tree is still up, even though Monday was suppose to be the day to dismantle. I think we may hang onto the holiday till this weekend. It would be much easier if putting it all away would mean winter went with it.
Little miss was very brave today. She had to get the flu shot - not by our choice - but so that she could continue going to preschool. The only dose they had was for infants so she ended up getting 2 shots. She went in happy, dancing about the potential for stickers, but came back holding her arm. We had to wait around to make sure she didn't have an allergic reaction, and while waiting she asked a little girl who just turned 2, if she would like one of her stickers. After going through the pain and deserving them she decided to share. At that moment I realized how fast she is growing and how proud I am.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today is one of the coldest days we have had this winter. You would never know that your nose would be nipped and the chilly air would turn your cheeks rosie red just by looking out the window. The plants are just waiting for spring with their bare limbs and the occasional stray berry, that the hungry birds haven't spotted yet. While the plants need to wait for spring, I can't be so lucky and even though I would like nothing more than to bundle in a tent full of blankets, my need to keep up with things is greater. Feeling organized is a great way to start the New Year.

Monday, January 2, 2012


This year I resolve to create more and think less. 
Sometimes I have a tendency to over think the simple things.
What are your resolutions this year?