
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Moments of Happy ~
Today is my mom's birthday - Happy Birthday Mom!! I know this isn't a proper birthday cake but she forgives me.
Sundays football game, very happy husband and father in-law, the NY Giants are going to the Superbowl.
My moment of happy is coming ... when things that need to get done get crossed of my list. I realized today that I actually made a list for my list, a true sign you are very busy or trying to procrastinate.


  1. I love lists, the sheer joy of crossing things off when they're done is great! Is that sad!!
    V x

  2. lol, thanks for the birthday wish, and the proper piece of chocolate cake I ate so fast you couldn't film it. ;) My guess is that you are very busy.

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mom, cute cake!
    Carol xx
