
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hand Embroidery

Thank you all for the well wishes. I still have this sinus head congestion but what better to do than hand embroidery. Last night I stitched away while watching a movie and tonight I plan on doing the same thing. This square will be the middle of the quilt top for the baby quilt. Crossing my fingers - after this it will go faster. Somewhere in the mix I lost my rotary cutter which has been making cutting the fabric take a little longer. We searched the entire house... still can't find the rotary cutter but I know that once this quilt is done it will magically appear. The funny thing is I know I put it somewhere where little hands couldn't reach it, somewhere safe. Somewhere I can't remember. Do you ever do that?
Just a friendly reminder about my font swap ... last day to sign up is Feb 4th. If you did sign up, don't forget to fill out your profile with a little bit about what you like and don't like.


  1. Oh yeah....been there SO many times that I now have a bucket that holds 3 rottary cutters. That way, I just put the bucket up...somewhere...where did I put the bucket? Oh well, at least I know the cutters are all together. Someplace...


  2. Love your design- it's going to be so pretty when it's all done, lucky baby girl!

    Get well! :)

  3. Oh I adore that embroidery!

    It reminds me of folk painting, with the hearts and tulips and scrolls. Isn't it wonderful how you can transfer designs from one craft medium to another?
    Inspiration for everyone.

    Your stitching is so neat.
    And by the way, I really empathise with you about the rotary cutter - it happens to me quite a bit, then turns up when you dont need it.

    Thanks for showing us your beautiful embroidery.


  4. So lovely! Look at your nice, even stitches--beautiful! :)

  5. That is beautiful and I hope you feel 100% again soon.

  6. Lovely embroidery.
    Yes, I put things so safe they appear to be lost forever!
    Carol xx

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