
Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Lion, Bumblebee, and Mario

With pillowcases in hand we went trick-or-treating last night. Our neighborhood went in a large pack, laughing at the idea of cancelling Halloween - how exactly is that done?! The brave lion went everywhere his older siblings went but at one part of the night he thought someone pulled his tail. Mario lost his mustache. We joked about bringing the 90's back one bumblebee at a time and we all started singing Blind Melon's "No Rain". Hope everyone else had a very successful Halloween filled with laughter, candy, and memories.


  1. lovely to see you back after the 'storm' amanda!!...glad the kids had a fun halloween! :)...vivienne x

  2. So glad you got your Halloween this year! Their costumes are fantastic and it's nice to know you guys are doing alright!
    (is that your front door pictured?- it is lovely)

  3. Ha! What a great post! and what great kids! We had a fairly quiet one, but there was indeed laughter, candy and memories! Happy November!

  4. what cuties!!! that lion costume is my hands down favorite i've seen :)

    i am so glad you guys are safe and so glad that your babies got to enjoy Halloween. I hope their pillow cases were full of candy and I can just imagine how much fun the three of them had trading :)

    I can't wait to take Felix trick-or-treating!

