
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Photos

365 in 2012
As the year is coming to a close, I look back at my photos. My 365 project (a photo a day for a full year) reflects my year pretty perfectly. Even though it ended with 251 photos - I still feel great that I took that many. Here is to a new year full of hope, wonder, and new possibilities! Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Magical Winter Snow

The kids tried their best to wait up for Santa - there were noises heard, tip toeing down the stairs, and cookies gobbled. We left Santa a plate of cookies that all the kids helped me make. In the morning there was a little dusting of snow, a white Christmas after all. Family came over, presents were unwrapped, and the kids got everything on their wishlist and more. They must have been really nice this year.
Then yesterday the snow came in! Lots and lots of snow. A good 6 inches or more - snowman making snow. The kids got all bundled in snow suits and played. As the snow was falling all you could hear was neighborhood children laughing and screaming, having a snowball fight. I made homemade hot cocoa (not the kind in the packet) and welcomed the red nosed children back inside to warm up. Today we take down our tree and reclaim the living room. This was the perfect way to end the year. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa Countdown

Winner Snowflake Garland
We are patiently waiting for Santa's arrival tonight. Our stockings are hung, we are making cookies, and there are guesses as to which fireplace he will come down. This may not be a white Christmas but we made our own snowflakes and hung them proudly. 
Congratulations to the Let It Snow garland winner Lindsey. Aries picked your number out of the snow and needed to show you.
Wishing you all a magical Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Grey Days

Today was grey. Full of lots of rain with no escape. Big wind gusts and this chill in the air. I would much rather snow - at least a small dusting before the holiday. Last night I wrapped up some watercolor prints and snack bags for the kids teachers. It's important to honor teachers and I do think it brightened their day to be appreciated.
 The day required warmth, so I lit candles and made homemade bread for the neighbors. Carefully wrapping the still warm loafs in parchment paper, with a new flour sack dishtowel, all bundled with some bakers twine, I set out my oldest delivery boy - who got many hugs for his job. I took a moment today to admired the lovely vintage ornaments my dear friend sent and got to work on some watercolor holiday cards. For a moment while sitting at my desk, my back turned to the window, I believe the sun peeked out. It felt like it just wanted to admire my work before making winter all grey again.  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Easel Birds
Studio Hutch
The little studio corner in our bedroom is evolving. This weekend I put away and organized a large number of my supplies. While this little space won't stay this way, it felt good to unpacked some things. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

I hugged my kids a little tighter tonight. Repeated a million times how much I love them. Every time I was thankful to have them in our lives and each time a little saddened that tonight other parents in Connecticut won't be able to do the same. My heart sinks at this tragedy that has hit so close to home. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Newtown, Connecticut.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winter Brings Out

Simply Winter Nature
Ornament Swap Inbound
Ornament Swap Inbound Bird
This weekend I had plans to do so much more and get more accomplished. It's always seems that way around this time of year. After a day of shopping with my mom, to which I still didn't get too much holiday shopping done, I went to her home and gathered some very rustic nature provided materials to work on a wreath for our side door. But I found myself using some of it to decorate the mantel in the dining room. Woodland, birds, rustic, simple - perfect. 
I also received the most perfect parcel in the mail the other day. My ornament swap partner, Erin, sent me some rather beautiful ornaments. The fluttery red and white paper handmade one is from a vendor she sees at the craft fairs every winter ( love supporting the handmade community). The twine bird is from her favorite little gift shop, and I can see why it's her favorite. Oh thank you Erin!! 
The host of the swap also received her cute little surprise handmade ornament I made for her and her baby Felix, so now I can show them off. Red snowflake cross stitch, hung in a small hoop, with a sequined scattered star for a Christmas wish. Felix's first Christmas ♥. I haven't done cross stitch for a very very long time - but winter brings out knitting and cross stitch. 

100,000 Pageviews Giveaway

Let it Snow vintage lace
I am by no means a stats blogger, worrying about numbers or checking how many followers I have all the time. There are small celebrations every now and then, when I get lovely comments or compliments on something I have worked very hard on. This little blog is not considered work, nor would I want it to ever feel like that. It's simply a place to connect, share, and feel very proud of. Being a busy mom, wife, caregiver, vision therapist, artist, online shop owner, and whatever title I might carry on any certain day - it's takes a deal of dedication and time. Something I give whole heartily to this space, willingly, without any expectations.
So when your this kind of blogger, to notice you are just a mere 25 pageviews away (at the moment) from 100,000 views is well, astonishing, to say the least. For me, it's just the thought that my words are being read and listened to - what a joyful thing.
So as a thank you to anyone who has looked at my blog, left a comment, follows me silently or loudly - a small no rules giveaway. Just leave any comment on this post by December 22nd to be entered, and of course a way for me to contact you, for a chance to win a Let It Snow Garland. I will find some amazing or not so amazing way to pick a winner - and announce it here.
Good luck and Thank you all for helping me reach a milestone ♥
This giveaway is now closed - stay tuned for a winner!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Whatcha Working on Wednesday: Red Cross Stitch Holiday

Just when I thought all the craftiness left me until next year out came the red floss and a snowflake design. Red cross stitch just screams the holidays. This little project is for a dear friend and once she gets it I will gladly show off the finish product. 
Isn't it funny how one little thing can inspire ideas - like new stockings for our fireplace (it will be our first Christmas ever with a real fireplace to hang the stockings on) and a new tree skirt for next year. What are you working on?

Monday, December 3, 2012


The winter cold finally caught up to our house. Damien, who hardly ever gets sick (in fact the last time we can really remember him being truly sick was when he was 3), has come down with a cold. This weekend we gave him some children's NyQuil and sent him to bed. Still there is this persistent dry cough, one that gets under your skin and makes you give the poor boy a million cough drops.
We did manage to paint the dining room and are planning on finishing it tonight. There hasn't been much craftiness lately beside an ornament which I will show you soon. My plan was to try to finish up the scarf I've been working on. Last night, while dear hubby watched one of his movies, I sat on the couch and did a row of knitting. The next row I did unsuccessfully. Panic set in, as I'm not that much of an experienced knitter and this row needed to be unraveled. Searching the internet I did find how to do this without unraveling my whole project, that is 85% done. The only problem is I messed it up - not once, not twice - but 3 times! So just when dear hubbies movie was finishing I got my scarf back on track only it's now at 50% done. Needless to say it's going to take a bit longer than I thought.