
Monday, December 3, 2012


The winter cold finally caught up to our house. Damien, who hardly ever gets sick (in fact the last time we can really remember him being truly sick was when he was 3), has come down with a cold. This weekend we gave him some children's NyQuil and sent him to bed. Still there is this persistent dry cough, one that gets under your skin and makes you give the poor boy a million cough drops.
We did manage to paint the dining room and are planning on finishing it tonight. There hasn't been much craftiness lately beside an ornament which I will show you soon. My plan was to try to finish up the scarf I've been working on. Last night, while dear hubby watched one of his movies, I sat on the couch and did a row of knitting. The next row I did unsuccessfully. Panic set in, as I'm not that much of an experienced knitter and this row needed to be unraveled. Searching the internet I did find how to do this without unraveling my whole project, that is 85% done. The only problem is I messed it up - not once, not twice - but 3 times! So just when dear hubbies movie was finishing I got my scarf back on track only it's now at 50% done. Needless to say it's going to take a bit longer than I thought. 


  1. Oh dear knitting going backwards is no fun at all!! You'll soon make it back up again! Hope Damien feels better soon!
    V xxx

  2. I know how it feels to have to re-do parts of projects- SO frustrating! Ironically enough, that's exactly what I was doing last night, except not knitting but embroidery. Sometimes I think my biggest mistake is actually assuming I'm going to get something done! ;)

    Speedy recovery to the invalid, and may the rest of you stay healthy!

  3. Oh knitting! It will certainly do that to you, won't it. I get real panicky too when I see a mistake in my project or I drop a stitch or something like that. It is all very tenuous, but when I finish a project successfully, I get a pretty nice rush which makes it all worth it. Stay warm and I hope your son feels better.

  4. Your living room is looking wonderful! We all got a terrible bug and are just now coming back to life, so not much crafty business around here either.
    Pretty tree!
