What a year!! 2011 came in with a scare but I'm so happy it's ending on a happy note. This New Year's eve will be the first one in a very long time that I get to give the hubby a New Years Kiss.
I can't thank all of you enough for the lovely comments throughout the year. This little blog has become something bigger than I could have imagined! Here is to a new year full of hope, wishes, and a magical start :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Lefton Christmas Angel Story
Now that we are one day after Christmas, I'm going to tell you my Christmas Angel story.
My wife Colleen was born on 12/28, and she received a little Lefton Christmas Angel for her 5th birthday in 1958. This little red, white and gold ceramic angel was one of her prize possessions and it occupied a place of honor in our China hutch. About 10 years ago, as Colleen and I were moving the hutch away from the wall because we were repainting, the hutch tipped slightly, its door opened and the little Christmas Angel fell out, shattering into so many pieces on our hardwood floor that it was unrepairable.
Imagine my excitement, when I opened your package to discover what was indeed a replica of my Colleen's missing Christmas Angel!
Colleen opened her present yesterday, in the company of her 91 year old Mother, and they both agreed that this was just like the Christmas Angel that she treasured for so many years.
I really, really appreciate that you were able to make my wife Colleen's dream of having her Christmas Angel back come true.
Amanda, you definitely rock!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you,
I will always remember you,
This is the very reason I love selling vintage. Treasures that hold memories and have a story. I'm so over joyed that this little Lefton Angel brought such Christmas cheer to one of my customers.
The very reason that one of my New Years resolutions is to never give up.
Just like Mike, one day you will find your angel.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Buster Christmas
This weekend was crazy around here. Those small adults kept coming up to me petting my head and saying only 2 more days, 1 more day, SANTA is coming tonight. Not sure what it all meant but I got strict instructions from the oldest not to eat the man that looked jolly in the red suit because they wanted presents.
I must have did a good job because there were presents under the tree for me too! They were...
giant bones!!! I didn't even make a wish list .

I tried my best to eat them all that day. It only made me tired.
Later on there was some snuggling on the couch. What?! Guys snuggle too!
Hope everyone else let that man with the red suit into their house.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Free Holiday Gift Tags
With the holiday right around the corner, (there is a literally a count down happening at our house) I would like to give a gift to all my friends out there. So what better than some printable gift tags!
Just download the pdf file, print, and cut out.
Click here to download the PDF.
Happy Holidays :)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Crochet Button Baby Booties
Say that three times fast! Just finishing up some wonderful handmade Christmas gifts. These little booties are for my sister in-law who is pregnant with her first child, a little girl. When I saw the sweet design on Ravelry I knew I had to make them. The funny thing is that just while I was crocheting along thinking about how nice it will be to hold another baby a friend texted me with a good news. She is pregnant too!!
Guess it looks like there will be more baby booties to make :)
Guess it looks like there will be more baby booties to make :)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas Decorating
Every year is different. Not the putting up the tree part, that always happens the day after Thanksgiving. The kids always help and the tree usually looks bare at top with a cluster of ornaments in one spot. At night us parents rearrange everything without them being any the wiser.
The part that changes every year is the general decorating. Candles, garlands, and other festive bits always manage to find their way around the house. This year was no different. We finally have everything put out just the way we like it. Center stage this year is the kids creations. A paper decorated tree, cotton ball snowmen, hand print wreaths, googly eyes gingerbread men, popsicle stick reindeer, paper plate school ornaments, and tissue paper candle.
For some reason it feels extra cozy this year, no fireplace needed. Still working on our Santa lists, holiday cookies, and a few handmade gifts we are in good shape for a Merry Christmas. Are you ready?
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Happy Mail
Absolutely love opening my mailbox to happy mail!! There were two things to be excited about this time.
First was an ornament from my dear vintage soul sister. She gets me.
It was a total surprise. If only she could see my reaction when I opened it. Isn't it just beautiful!!! The ornament is from Jupiter Designs - and I adore everything about it.
Amy also included some great little extras as well. Can't wait to use those trims! The handmade trivet is beautiful.
See all those tiny little hand sewn stitches?! Thanks so much Amy. I don't think it will be mine for much longer though. Someone, who will remain nameless...but not pictureless, has already proclaimed it hers. This is the very reason she didn't see me open my package from Micaela :)
First was an ornament from my dear vintage soul sister. She gets me.
It was a total surprise. If only she could see my reaction when I opened it. Isn't it just beautiful!!! The ornament is from Jupiter Designs - and I adore everything about it.
Thanks so much Micaela!!!
The other surprise in my mailbox was a giveaway I won over at NanaCompany. Lady luck must have been on my side that day because there were a lot of entries. What I won was an amazing quilt blocks book called "Modern Blocks" and Amy herself has two blocks that she designed featured in the book. Just flipping through this book gave me tons of ideas.Amy also included some great little extras as well. Can't wait to use those trims! The handmade trivet is beautiful.
See all those tiny little hand sewn stitches?! Thanks so much Amy. I don't think it will be mine for much longer though. Someone, who will remain nameless...but not pictureless, has already proclaimed it hers. This is the very reason she didn't see me open my package from Micaela :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Smocked Knitted Winter Scarf
Pure perfection. You can't miss me in this coat. Dear hubby quietly had doubts about this coat but has come around.
While I started making my smocked knitted scarf for my brown suede coat I think it looks just as swell on this one. Smocking was intimidating. In fact I did it the "old" way and read about it in the book The Complete Guide to Needlework. Questioning myself I decided to research the technique a little and discovered that many people actually knit the smocking while they are making the scarf - the "new" way.
After basting several threaded lines - 18 to be exact - I crossed my fingers and started the smocking. It turned out better than I could have imagined. Each end has a bit of smocking, giving the scarf a more feminine feel. The edges become more scalloped and ruffled, just enough to make a statement.
When I wear it I feel like I am doing just that ... making a statement!
While I started making my smocked knitted scarf for my brown suede coat I think it looks just as swell on this one. Smocking was intimidating. In fact I did it the "old" way and read about it in the book The Complete Guide to Needlework. Questioning myself I decided to research the technique a little and discovered that many people actually knit the smocking while they are making the scarf - the "new" way.
After basting several threaded lines - 18 to be exact - I crossed my fingers and started the smocking. It turned out better than I could have imagined. Each end has a bit of smocking, giving the scarf a more feminine feel. The edges become more scalloped and ruffled, just enough to make a statement.
When I wear it I feel like I am doing just that ... making a statement!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Salem for the Weekend
This weekend was a trip to Salem. It was perfect!! What a lovely day to walk the quiet streets, smell the sweet earthy smell of herbs in Wiccan shops, and soak up the history of clap board houses. A day without the children was a much needed rest, even though your mind always thinks about them and their names sit of the tip of your tongue waiting for the opportunity to escape your lips. Hand in hand we strolled neighborhoods and dreamed big dreams. Eyeing every empty shop window with a hope of opening my own. Lunch at the Lobster Shanty - where the owner spied us looking at the menu, an offered us to come in early for brunch before they officially opened. Strangers passed us with a greeted hello. Salty wind filled the air. Stopping at a yarn shop full of color, along with a fabric shop with reproduction feedsack prints, and a botanical shop- we got a treat just for us. As we got in the car and drove through the winding streets, we thought about the magical little town and the happiness it brought.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dabbling Definition
Dab.bling verb \-b(ə-)liŋ\:
The art of starting more than one thing with a bunch of little somethings but never truly finishing anything.
ex: Amanda has been dabbling in her studio all day.
The art of starting more than one thing with a bunch of little somethings but never truly finishing anything.
ex: Amanda has been dabbling in her studio all day.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Things are looking up around here. It's great when unexpected happy things happen like finding out your garland was featured on CRAFT, also in Etsy Finds, and you get a call for an interview for the career your going back to school for! I'm so thankful for all these happy things.
Guess when you fill your life with happy things like making ornaments for Micaela's ornament swap - it spills over. Putting some lovely paper snowflakes on vintage lace, filling it with pretty red, green, and silver sequins, in a glass ornaments makes a beautiful display on your Christmas tree. Hopefully my ornament swap partner feels the same way.
Also can't forget the small crochet red heart that is attached at the top. Some love and warm wishes to bring in the season with. I had to thank the lovely hostess of this swap. So with my crafty hat on I decided to make Micaela an ornament just for her.
Sharing special moments and memories is a special part of the holiday season. When I saw a picture of her wedding kiss on her blog I knew it was just the memory you always want to remember. Here is how I made her ornament:
Materials ~
- Spray glue
- Clear glass ornament
- Digital photo printed on photo paper
- Twine, string, or vintage lace piece
- Sequins
- Print out your photo twice making sure one of the photos is flipped horizontally so that when matched back to back the shapes match. Also note the size of your ornament and size of photo - make sure to print it small enough to fill the inside of the ornament.
- With the pictures back to back cut out the photos. Place one photo face down on a surface that can get messy with spray glue. Spray the back of your photo and place your string or lace in the middle, leaving a long tail going to the top of the photo. Place the other photo's back on top - making a photo sandwich. Let spray glue dry.
- Fill your ornament with different color sequins.
- Once photo is dry, roll your photo like a tube so you can fit it the opening of the ornament. Carefully take the metal top of the ornament fit the photo through the glass opening.and hold the string or lace so that it's still coming out the top of ornament. With a pen or long thin object push your photo against the sides of the ornament to unravel and straighten it out.
- Thread your string or lace through the metal top of the ornament, then carefully replace the metal top back onto the glass ornament. Pull your string or lace so that your photo hangs in the middle of your ornament and tie into a bow at the top to secure it.
- Hang your ornament and enjoy!!
Crossing my fingers that the bubble wrap, tape, and super strong box are enough to have them arrive in one piece. I hope my little ornaments bring a bit of my happiness to them :).
Friday, November 25, 2011
New Coat
This is my new coat! I saw it about 2 months ago at Old Navy. It stayed in the back of my mind for awhile as I didn't need a new coat, or did I? The coat from last year was too big with some weight I lost and the one from a couple of year ago was still a little snug in my arms. So when I saw that this Black Friday my dream coat was on sale - I got it! Crossing my fingers that the scarf I've been working on looks okay with it.
Located in:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
I want to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!! This year I am so grateful for many things including my little shops, everyone who visits and reads this blog, and of course all the new friends I have made.
So as a thank you I am offering 15% off anything in either shop (Print Me Out and Itchin Stitchin - including *custom orders) starting now until Dec 1st. Just use coupon code GOBBLE !
So get ready, get set, GO get your food coma on :)
*If interested in a custom order please message me - I can make custom business tags, headers, banners, blog designs, snowflake garlands, quilts, blankets, bags, or anything else you have seen here or in my shops that you want personalized
So as a thank you I am offering 15% off anything in either shop (Print Me Out and Itchin Stitchin - including *custom orders) starting now until Dec 1st. Just use coupon code GOBBLE !
So get ready, get set, GO get your food coma on :)
*If interested in a custom order please message me - I can make custom business tags, headers, banners, blog designs, snowflake garlands, quilts, blankets, bags, or anything else you have seen here or in my shops that you want personalized
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Harvest Potholder
With all the cooking that is in store ...
a new harvest potholder was in order.
Trim the color of pumpkin pie
fun little details like brown sugar on top of carrots
I just can't wait to cook the day away.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Happy Things to End the Week With:
The title to this post and idea have been stolen/borrowed from my dear friend Micaela mostly because she is awesome and because she is hosting an ornament swap that has made me get back into my happy crafting place. I've been crocheting away some snowflakes and not feeling guilty about it one bit. For once I feel caught up. Housework is in check, shop is in order with new things being added daily, and started college online. Making my partners ornament has put me in a holiday cheerful mood.
Another thing to smile about this week is the fact that hubby and I have finally agreed on something - and it's a big thing. Now I'm sure that most of you are wondering why this is something to smile about, as we are husband and wife and are suppose to agree together, but I'm not talking about a compromise here. This is that we whole heartily agree, which is the rarest thing because we are opposites. I'm the ever changing, big dreams, high hopes person, and he is more rooted, sensible, we will see when we get there, kind of person. So now with a goal in mind we can see where we are going and we can get there!
Another cheery bit is that my studio is tidy. It hasn't been this organized in awhile. So with the weekend knocking on the door I can't wait to sit at the sewing machine and whip up some new things. My only plan for this week is to not have a plan.
So what happy things are you ending your week with?
Another thing to smile about this week is the fact that hubby and I have finally agreed on something - and it's a big thing. Now I'm sure that most of you are wondering why this is something to smile about, as we are husband and wife and are suppose to agree together, but I'm not talking about a compromise here. This is that we whole heartily agree, which is the rarest thing because we are opposites. I'm the ever changing, big dreams, high hopes person, and he is more rooted, sensible, we will see when we get there, kind of person. So now with a goal in mind we can see where we are going and we can get there!
Another cheery bit is that my studio is tidy. It hasn't been this organized in awhile. So with the weekend knocking on the door I can't wait to sit at the sewing machine and whip up some new things. My only plan for this week is to not have a plan.
So what happy things are you ending your week with?
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