For the first time the other night we turned on the heat in the house. There is something splendid about the sound of old steam heaters. They chug, tink, whistle - and when they are filling up with water if you close your eyes it almost sounds like you are in an underwater vessel.
All last week, before winter really hits us, I have been trying to sneak up on the birds at the bird feeder. Right after settling in here I hung a bird feeder outside one of the four large windows that are in the dining room. They are the perfect windows to bird watch out of - big, able to see from different angles, and I just thought the idea of eating and watching birds at the same time was magical in a way. After a week or two with no change at all to the feeder, disappointment set in. That was until Odyn saw the first bird. He went right up to the window and was just as excited as I was the see the bird hoping about on the feeder. I ran to get my camera but by the time I got there it had flown away. So all week I've been trying to capture them - I've waited out on the porch in my Pj's (sorry neighbors), set up the tripod, and even stood very tree like next to the window.

Finally I captured this guy but the quality of the photos aren't great - mostly because my camera kept wanting to focus in on the window screen. But the point is I finally was able to get a couple of pictures and there are birds at the feeder stocking up for winter that is just around the corner - in fact there is talk of snow soon.
I'll be happy when there is more talk of knitting, holiday decorating, or lovely recipes to be made - not hurricanes, elections, or snow storms.