:: Drank a Starbucks yummy Java Chip Frappuccino and enjoyed every moment of it
:: Slept in and the kids let me
:: Donated 14 inches of my hair to Locks of Love - my 5th time donating and every time it feels so great
:: Got the most Facebook messages on my wall ever
:: Took 42 pictures of myself and my new hair - liked only 2 of them
:: Shockingly finished reading my 3rd book in 2 weeks
:: Ate ice cream cake which turned my tongue blue
:: Turned 29

Happy Birthday, Amanda! You're a baby still, enjoy it... xo amy
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! And congrats on your 5th donation to Locks of Love, that's amazing! Your haircut looks great.
Happy Birthday Amanda!!
Love the hair. :)
Vivienne x
LOL, I'm glad you got to pamper. You deserve it. I love the haircut!
From one July baby to another...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy Birthday....your hair looks great.
btw it takes me forever to get a pic of myself that I like:)
Happy Birthday!!! hope you had a lovely day x
Happy Birthday, Amanda! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I always think food tastes a little better when it turns your tongue a funny color.
I'm amazed you cut off fourteen inches of hair and you still have that much left!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I LOVE your blog..found it after purchasing the vintage Mary planter!!!
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