Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year New Goals

I can't believe tomorrow will be 2011! Looking back at the year I have accomplished more than I expected, including moving into a new home, learning how to crochet, and starting this blog. I have made a personal resolution like I always do but this year I have decided to also put into action some creative goals. 
Creative Goal Tracking Sheet can be found here by My Girl Thurday

So I will see you all next year (does that ever get old?) and leave you with this question ~ do you have any creative goals for 2011?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Polka Dottie Embroidered Tote

Want to know what I was working on during the Christmas slumber? Well it was my Polka Dottie Embroidered Tote.
Awhile ago I got the book Embroidery Companion by Alicia Paulson. I love the Dahila Field Pillow. The little cute bird just caught my eye.
My polka dot fabric was a bit to dark and I was a bit to lazy to copy the pattern exactly from the book, so on the back side of the fabric I eye balled the pattern and free handed it. The bird and design came out in reverse because I didn't draw on the front side of the fabric.
After embroidering this lovely piece I was wondering what I was going to do with it. Hang it in an embroidery hoop on the wall? Make it into a pillow? Dish Towel? Curtain? The possibilities are endless. That is what I love about this book. You can take any pattern and make it into anything you want.
I decided to make a market bag. This one I switched up a bit by just making one side with a pocket, only one long strap, and I made an inside pocket.
I love the long one shoulder strap! It's a great alternative because you can use the bag two ways. The first is you can keep the strap long and wear the bag across your body, where the bag lies at your hip. The second is to knot the long strap and wear it over your shoulder, this option you can make the bag any length you want. Also the knot kinda adds some more charm to the bag.
The best part about the bag is all the vintage fabric and lace I used. The flowered fabric is a vintage pillowcase that was re-purposed and the lovely lace was found at an estate sale.
Oh it was hard debate for me whether or not I was going to keep this lovely bag all to myself. My little shop won the debate. Polka Dottie is sitting in the window right now and I know she will find a new wonderful home. I'm sure the owner will be proud of her just as much as I am.
Linking with Splash of Colour

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Flying Wrapping Paper

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with friends and family! Our holiday started on Christmas Eve. We invited my family over that night for a great feast. We had homemade chicken pot pie, cheesecake, cupcakes, salad, fun sherbet punch, and so much more. The kids were excited to open their presents from family members and kept talking about Santa coming that night. I must have been reminded about the cookies and milk 15 times from the kids, and how important it was.
The kids had stayed up kind of late that night with the excitement of family and the new presents they had just opened. That did not stop them from walking up at 6 am. I had a small knock on my bedroom door, just to let me know that Santa did come and that they were up and ready to open presents. I advised them that we had to wait for dad, who had to work on Christmas Eve and wouldn't be home till 6:30am. They were good little children and went back to bed for another 2 hours. 
We announced that it was time to open presents, there was a stampede down the stairs, and wrapping paper started to fly. They opened their stocking first, wanted the candy inside, but then decided to continue with gifts. Santa's gifts were next and then the gifts they got from mom and dad. Then mom and dad spent an hour or so opening the packaging of the gifts (Just an FYI to toy companies, needing a screwdriver to get something out the package is a little much). 
I'm not sure why I spent so much time getting the house clean and ready for the holidays because at this point my house looked like a toy store blew up. That afternoon my mother and father in-law came over, unfortunately my sister in-law was not able to make it.The kids opened their gifts and we had a nice late lunch of yummy ham. Competition UNO then began, where I think the girls won, but the guys would never admit that. 
Christmas night after all the holiday parties were over, and kids were playing with their new toys, the house was quiet. I was able to start working on a new item, which came out better than I expected. I hope your  holidays were as magical as ours. We just have one dilemma when do we take down our decorations and the tree? I love the way it looks but always wonder how long everyone else keeps their tree up.

Linking with White Wednesday :) - go join the party!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays

The house is ready, the food is waiting, the presents are wrapped, and we are awaiting Santa's arrival.

We want to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Home For the Holidays

My house feels warm and cozy this holiday season. We were able to finish decorating and spread the holiday cheer around the house.
I was able to finish the good vibrations blanket that I have been working on for a couple of months. When making it I just wanted something happy and fun. Now that it is finally finished I love it and think it's look perfect all curled up on our living room chair.
At night the house gets a beautiful glow about it. It feels so happy and cheerful, Tonight we are going to drink our hot cocoa and make our Santa cookies.
Today I am putting some last minute touches on a couple of spaces in our house, so that I can take some pictures. Hope everyone is finishing their shopping, getting those goodies at the grocery store, and getting ready for the jolly man with the list.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cheer Up Winter Kitchen

My kitchen looked kinda sad lately. I think it got the winter blues. I try to keep my house cheery all year long but my kitchen was getting use to my routine dinners. "What are we having tonight mom?" "CHICKEN I HATE CHICKEN"
So what is fresh, smells wonderful, looks pretty, and makes you happy? Something that is the completely opposite of snow and winter. Herbs! Fresh delightful yummy herbs.
So tonight when I get asked what's for dinner - It's not going to be routine auto mode mom. Tonight we are going to wake up our senses, feel a little spring summer action. Hopefully just enough to get us through these cold winter nights :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Rooms Where Children Sleep

This weekend we decided to get the boys (Odyn and Damien) room decorated and organized. The holidays are coming up and this means more toys, clothes, and things for the children in general. If we didn't get their rooms ready all the rooms in the house would suffer from holiday over load.
 It's funny how you start one room you need to start another, and another reminds me of dominoes. Aries room also got a make over and reorganization. We still have to pick up a few things for the rooms.
In the boys room, Damien's needs a bed skirt. I wasn't too happy to see that blue box spring sticking out and while kinda thinking out loud Damien got really nervous that I was going to buy him a skirt. This made me laugh and I explained what a bed skirt was, he was ok with that.
In Aries room she needs a long shelf that I can put up high. She has beautiful antique angels that I need to make sure she can only look at and not touch. The test was the fake ceramic angel that I got for her, the one she kept under her pillow every night, the one that is now decapitated and has one wing, and the one sitting in a box waiting to be glued back together.
Yes I know I'm a little off my rocker giving the kids Christmas trees in their rooms. This is not a normal thing that parents do but I will let you in on something. Those trees now serve two purposes 1.) they have reduced the shaking of the tree that has ornaments on it and is significantly larger 2.) they are a nice holiday cheer night light. Aries no longer wants to use this really bright lit lamp in her room that keeps Odyn up, instead she is very satisfied with her tree. She even insisted I take a picture of it at night to show everyone.
The boys, who have a great view of a log cabin across the street, have a camping themed room. There are several lantern lamps, bear pictures, vintage Boys Scouts of America memorabilia, and woodsy colors in their room. While out at flea markets and tag sales this summer I looked for anything that spoke camping to me.

In the hunt we found two old comics. One was Smokey The Bear which I hung in a frame between the two windows, and the other was a Ben the Bear Adventures which I took some comics out of and made part of a shelf. 
Aries room also has some flea market finds. I found a cute little shelf that had a mirror back and painted it white. It now holds her little treasures like a plastic cow, metal mermaid, small blue bird, a Cinderella squirrel, and a picture of Rob, baby Damien, and I at Easter time. Treasures to an almost 4 year old.
She also has metal mermaid bookends that I lugged around with me the entire Brimfield Flea Market. When I found them I almost passed them up because of their weight. I would be kicking myself now if I did because they really make her bookshelf.
I think both rooms really fit my kids. Damien loves the space in his room and the fact that when his friends come over (most of them are in Boy Scouts) that they will really love his room. He also made a great point that at least 4 sleeping bags could fit on his floor. Hint hint mom.
Last night there wasn't any noise from their rooms. All that could be heard was a chorus of little snores. 
I did post more pictures of their rooms on my Flickr account if you would like see more :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Handmade Crafts Blog Tour: Green Rabbit Designs

We have reached the final blog on this first round of Handmade Crafts Blog Tour. This next blog is a holiday surprise to my friend Vivienne. She didn't know she was going to be featured but she is such a talented artist and dear friend. She always comments and takes interest in others that I had to pay it forward to her. Her blog, Green Rabbit Designs, is filled with her beautiful hand knitted and crocheted items, as well as pictures of her wonderful home of Northern Ireland.
Vivienne makes the best hand knitted bags and I mean the BEST! It was really hard for me to choose a picture of just one to show you. I could make a whole parade of pictures but I figured you can always go to her blog and see for yourself. Plus she even sells them in her shop. I think they would make the cutest present for the holidays or even for a birthday.
If blogs ever get smelling capabilities I would always go to Vivienne's blog. Her pictures of the flowers that come out of her greenhouse make you literally want to smell your computer screen. They are breathtakingly beautiful. I would love to jump on a jet, fly over, have a cup of tea and crochet with her outside in the park, even if it's  -12deg c.
So do yourself a favor and travel to Ireland today by visiting Green Rabbit Designs. Call it a holiday vacation from me to you :)! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Vivienne I hope you like the surprise post.
(All photos are courtesy of Green Rabbit Designs - Please ask before using them - even though I didn't and broke my own rule - don't let me be a poor example).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Handmade Crafts Blog Tour:

As this week is coming to an end I have only 2 more stops on the blog tour. If you would like to be a part of the next Handmade Crafts Blog Tour please contact me or leave a comment. The next tour will start middle of February.
Our next stop is It is a cute little blog that is full of handmade goodness. Her title explains it all ~ she is a mom that loves to sew. Her children are adorable and the pictures of them are so special. 
The items she makes are colorful, vibrant, and fun to look at. One of my favorites is this little pillow. I know a little someone in my house who would love to have a garden pillow like this on her bed!

Here is Ângela in her own words:

Why do you blog?
I blog to promote one of my hobbies ... sewing. Sew since childhood, is a taste that comes from family.
What crafts do you like to do?

I like to quilt, bibs, aprons, pajamas-bag, bags, calendars, custom shirts, sleeves, garlands, lunch bags, moses basket for babies and much more.
Do you sell your crafts online, in a store, or are they just for you? If you do sell them for others - where can one purchase them?

 yes, i have my online store: for order, check this list: and please contact me for:

What is your favorite blog to read?

surely from Rosa Pomar
What is on your wish list for the Holidays?

I even wrote a post on my blog to talk about it. A book, a purse, a dress and tennis shoes :D
Where do you get your inspiration from?

The finer things in life, my children, pretty pictures.
If you can meet one blogger and spend a day with them who would they be and why?

Rosa Pomar no doubt it was the first blogger who started to follow. For me it is fantastic and your life as an artisan has evolved a lot, I'm happy for her.
Is there any crafts you would like to learn how to do or have taught yourself to do?

Loved learning to knitting.
I want to thank you for being part of my blog tour!! Is there anything else you would like to add to the post about you?

thank you for this opportunity! Never forget to follow your dreams! 
I love this woman's spirit! Go check out her wonderful site and shop. Her happiness and beautiful family are sure to inspire you.
(all pictures are courtesy of - and like all pictures used in this tour ~ please ask the owner of the photos for permission to use them. Thanks)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's A Perfect Night To....

I just couldn't take making anymore crochet snowflake fabric snow garland tonight. Three nights in a row is enough and the shop has some in stock, so I figured I was good for a bit. The kids missed me, since usually night time is mommy time. So we decided what would be better to do tonight than build a temporary tent.
Oh Aries was excited! I haven't been able to get around to actually putting up the tent in her room. The one she asked for way back when but she was content with this one. 
Damien was in charge of reading all the books to everyone. Little did he know that besides me, he was the only one who could read in the room. He did take great pleasure out of having power for a couple of minutes. 
Odyn (who is not naked, he just prefers the comfort of just a diaper to clothes) just wanted to play peek-a-boo or rip down the tent. He couldn't decide which one was making the others mad the fastest, so he rotated it. 
The kids had so much fun tonight and I did too. It was great to see them happy and playing nice. The tent was so simple, just dragged the bookcase over to the end of the bed, drape one of the large vintage chenille blanket over it all, and don't forget the best part - the handmade quilt, (Damien's) that is very well worn, just add it to the bottom to sit on. I plan on doing a post about this wonderful quilt real soon.
Hope everyone else out there is having a fabulous night with their families :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Handmade Crafts Blog Tour: Leona's Quilting Adventure

Another wonderful day another wonderful blog on the tour. I have been featuring a bit of crochet blogs lately so to take a different turn we are visiting Leona's Quilting Adventure. As you can guess this is a quilting blog but it's also so much more.

She shares fabric she is collecting, her daily life, and a fun giveaway once a month. I enjoyed just going back in her blog and looking at all the wonderful quilt patterns she has tried and the great fabric choices.

I was very impressed with this baby quilt. She made it in one day! That is absolutely amazing to me. If you like free quilting patterns she has them.

I also love the fact that she shares her sewing room with you! I love looking at the spaces we create in. It really does give you a sense of the creator and the things that inspire them. Her room is so organized and a pretty pink  that would spark the imagination.

She also has a wonderful link on her site about Paying it Forward. As you all are probably aware, I am a full believer in paying it forward. So please stop by this lovely woman's blog and read more about her. I'm sure she will touch your heart like she did mine.

(all pictures are courtesy of Leona's Quilting Adventure - and like all pictures used in this tour ~ please ask the owner of the photos for permission to use them. Thanks)